Gaist Referenced in Groundbreaking RAC Foundation Report

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Gaist has been referenced in the latest report from the RAC (Royal Automobile Club) Foundation on the elements needed to achieve the benefits provided by the flow of data both from and to ‘connected’ vehicles, in practice and at scale with an examination of the outstanding challenges and possible funding avenues.

The report was authored by Andy Graham of White Willow Consulting in partnership with the RAC Foundation as a follow-up to the first report ‘Driven By Information’ (published September 2020) to examine the developments since the original report.

Peer reviewed by John Cartledge, Global Development Manager at Gaist, the report captured national news attention in the independent and has made a significant and wide-ranging contribution to the field of ‘connected’ vehicles and the role they have to play in delivering benefits for road safety stakeholders and beyond.

Referenced in the executive summary (, the report specifically references our partnership with AISIN, offering ‘data revealing locations with a record of abnormal braking by drivers matched to road geometry, as a lead indicator of possible road-safety risk that could be addressed through highway engineering’.

Furthermore, our combination of connected vehicle data and road geometry supported by full HD 360-degree imagery (already widely used by local authorities) is referenced on p.16-18 and Figure 3.10 as ‘useful to not just asset managers and winter maintainers but road safety teams too’, with ‘high-definition image-based technology being used to deliver safety surveys by Gaist to several authorities’ (p.34).

The report provides a timely and welcome assessment of the current state of affairs, filling in the gaps from the first report and providing a thorough account of possible future funding models. John Cartledge commented, 'we welcome the findings of the report and its contribution towards understanding how connected vehicle data can be embedded as a more integral part of road safety and maintenance solutions'.

He continued, ’it’s great that the groundbreaking work Gaist have delivered over the past 12 months, combining data from multiple sources to deliver actionable insight for a number of our partners and clients, is being recognised in this report’.

Gaist are currently well positioned in the connected vehicle space, providing useable integrations to bolster road safety provision in combination with our safety inspection solution and image collection with minimal technical barriers to national and local government.

If you’d like to speak to us about how our connected vehicle data offering can easily integrate with your existing processes, get in touch with us or contact

You can read more about the early findings in partnership with AISIN here and our Safety inspection solution here.

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RAMS framework

The services we provide can easily be procured under the RAMS (Road Asset Management System) framework. The Procurement of the RAMS framework has been undertaken in accordance with Public Contract Regulations, 2015. The tender process was carried out under the Open Procedure following the publication of Find A Tender Service contract notice, publication number 2021/S 000-000293 dated 07/01/2021. This framework is available to any Contracting Authority in England and Wales that is a ‘Local Authority’ as defined in Section 270 of The Local Government Act 1972, and the Department for Transport.

The first step is to complete and submit the Access Agreement form on the RAMS Framework website and once approved by Blackpool Council (The Framework administrative authority) you will have access to the members area where all of the relevant contract documentation can be downloaded.

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