We provide the most detailed information of existing network infrastructure and panned routes available at a fraction of the cost of physical surveys

We have provided clients from disruptive fibre providers to established multinational telecoms companies with the data they need to carry out large scale planning and implementation projects effectively

Presenting reductions in traditional walked survey costs, aborted works, improving health and safety and reducing the cost of warranty claims- we are helping fibre providers do more with less
Talk to our experts
Saving direct survey costs and administration overheads by 50%-75%
No surprises- greater accuracy of business case analysis and assurance of cost forecasting- improved RoI ratio
Improved planning of the optimal route for maximum speed/lowest cost- saving c7% of overall project cost
Detailed and accurate SoW and BoQ for better planning- minimising variations, project overruns and aborted visits
Savings of 10% of overall project costs- 1 abort saved pays for the data
Detailed Risk Assessment & Method Statements (RAMS) and Construction Phase Health & Safety Plan (CPHSP)

Asset Identification
Unparalleled accuracy in asset location and identification.

Carriageway Condition
A revolution in road condition assessment.

Footway Condition
An all-encompassing view of your footway network.

Connected Vehicle Data
A comprehensive dynamic assessment toolkit for network quality and road safety.

Safety Inspections
A smart, modern approach to your highway safety inspections

Imagery Collection
High-definition, 360° panoramic imagery.

Consultancy & Insights
Real world data analysis outputs to inform strategy and communication.

Active Travel
Enabling the next generation of active travel

Full spectrum data coverage for fibre rollout projects