
Providing accurate and robust national level data sets and consultancy to underpin national planning and policy decision making processes.

Our data and intelligence transforms Governments understanding of the road infrastructure at a national level and provides an unparalleled level of policy insight and evidence that helps forward planning and long term local government spending reviews.

How we help

Via our high quality national data sets and our Professional Services team we provide detailed accurate reports covering issues such as benchmarking policy, resilience, road-markings, footways, pothole analysis, national cycling analysis and defects.

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Professional services

providing the detailed answers to the national questions that will affect future infrastructure.


to help provide evidence based policy making decisions.


through more accurate, high quality, access to complete national data insights.

Delivering national
insights for the bigger picture

The most detailed roadscape data available

Gaist’s technology


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roadscape Intelligence

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Experience the full features of our Roadscape Intelligence Data Platform and learn how we can exceed your expectations.

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RAMS framework

The services we provide can easily be procured under the RAMS (Road Asset Management System) framework. The Procurement of the RAMS framework has been undertaken in accordance with Public Contract Regulations, 2015. The tender process was carried out under the Open Procedure following the publication of Find A Tender Service contract notice, publication number 2021/S 000-000293 dated 07/01/2021. This framework is available to any Contracting Authority in England and Wales that is a ‘Local Authority’ as defined in Section 270 of The Local Government Act 1972, and the Department for Transport.

The first step is to complete and submit the Access Agreement form on the RAMS Framework website and once approved by Blackpool Council (The Framework administrative authority) you will have access to the members area where all of the relevant contract documentation can be downloaded.

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