You can read a full overview of our national survey of Scotland here
Which roads are you not surveying
We will not be surveying roads that are private, roads which we can not access because they are closed or too narrow such as back alleys etc.
Can we load imagery onto our system and keep the imagery
You can download any image(s) from the system and store them on your system for as long as you like free from any restriction, except that you are not allowed to transfer them to another organisation except for those working with you or sell them in any way.
When will you start a survey in my area?
To be as efficient as possible we have a very flexible schedule that will change almost daily due to weather and other factors so it is difficult to publish a schedule ahead of time. However, anyone who placed an order in advance will be able to negotiate a start date for their area.
When will the national survey end?
We intend to conclude the survey by the end of Autumn but that may change due to weather or other unforeseen operational issues.
Who will own the data?
We will own the rights to all the data we collect. However, any data you pay for us to extract for you will be owned by you and we will not make that available to anyone else without your permission.
Can the data be used for safety inspections?
Yes – however we would need to discuss this with you before you use it for that purpose.
Can I load the data into my GIS or PMS system(s)?
Yes – you can load the data into any GIS or PMS. We have loaded our data onto these systems for years in the UK and it is an easy process.
Do you provide any tools for viewing and manipulating the data from the national survey?
Yes – we provide you with free to use online GIS tools and image viewers that you can use without restriction. These systems are easy to use and we will provide training if required.
Who should I call to find out more about the national survey?
Please feel free to contact us by email at or by phone at 07850913985